domingo, 14 de julho de 2013

TEMPORADA 2012/2013

Stª M. Feira
P. Varzim
(P. 50 mts)
1-2 Junho
16 Junho
(P. 50 mts)
25 mariposa

25 bruços

50 mariposa


50 bruços

50 costas



50 estilos

100 livres

100 mariposa

100 estilos


100 costas


200 mariposa


200 costas


200 estilos


400 costas

400 estilos


* 25 mts mariposa – 20,24 - Recorde nacional – Coimbra Novembro de 2011

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

Marcas actualizadas

Piscina 50 mts:

100 mts mariposa - 1.32,20 (recorde nacional)
100 mts costas - 1.40,95 (recorde nacional)
50 mts mariposa - 41,65
50 mts costas - 47,60

Piscina 25 mts:

400 mts estilos - 7.16,09 (recorde nacional)
200 mts costas - 3.31,32 (recorde nacional)
200 mts estilos - 3.18,16 (recorde nacional)
200 mts mariposa - 3.18,71 (recorde europeu/recorde nacional absoluto)
100 mts mariposa - 1.32,88
100 mts estilos - 1.35,19 (recorde nacional)

World swimming championship (DSISO) - November 2012

World swimming championship (DSISO) - November 2012
Professional huggers, that ́s what these guys should be called. This place was different from any other, funny looking people were not looked at differently and they were the ones leading the show this time. 6th Down Syndrome World Championship, Loano Italy, November 2012. Dancing by the music playing out loud, or by their mp3 rhythm, cheering for their colleagues or for life in general, looking for their families’ support, coaches approval, new far I could not tell any difference from a so called “normal” championship. However, the tenderness, the purity and the “under the skin and ready to blow emotions” would flag up something special was happening in that hot and stuffed swimming complex. These athletes are amazing! Swimming 400 and 1500 meters, gosh! I was tired just by looking at them. Tears of joy and pride in case of victory or of disappointment would burst out of their eyes, even if they were in the middle of the scoring table. Yes they have different perceptions and might count less well, some athletes would either continue past the end of the run or stop beforehand, losing a few seconds and sometimes to a worse place. But so what? I could not, for sure, do what they are doing and I don’t have an extra chromosome, besides that’s what we were there for, just give them small guidance when they got lost.
“We all do our best, but some people by doing it simply make the world a better place”
And those parents, families, and friends...I just wanted to hug everyone. It seemed that ideal and understandable place, no questions made (not that I ́m against them I really prefer to be asked than ignored or starred at) no second looks, no sorrows, everyone ́s equal and we just interact all differently. We understand, value and respect others’ “fights and conquers”. I just wanted to stay there, no “shield on”...and I admire those coaches. They take care of their athletes proudly, respectfully and above all as friends. And there we were, families, friends, coaches and committees all gathered, shouting, cheering and stressing out for these kids, women and man that don ́t have/absorb most of the world ́s madness, corruption and tyranny. They hug the winner right next to them, in the water or in the podium, with a genuine hug and no hard feelings. Honestly, how could the world live without different people? How could we be constantly reminded of humans ́ best attributes and the sense of humanity? The world needs pure and genuine beings.
Joana Madeira Vaz 

Campeonato de Natação - Vila Franca de Xira - 16 de Junho de 2013

Ontem o dia foi em grande!!!! 
26 medalhas e 5 novos recordes nacionais em piscina de 50 metros.
15 medalhas de ouro, 8 de prata e 4 de bronze.
João Vaz - 100 mariposa (1'32''20); 100 costas (1'40''95)
Teresa Neves - 50livres (33''15); 100 mariposa (1'20''35); 200 estilos (2'54''42). A Teresa tem agora 2 mínimos B para o mundial.
João Vaz - 50 costas; 100 mariposa; 100 costas, 50 mariposa.
João Soldado - 200 livres, 100 livres, 50 livres.
Nuno Silva - 200 estilos, 50 Bruços.
Inês Conde - 200 estilos; 400 livres.
Ana Carvalho- 50 Livres.
Teresa Neves - 50 livres, 200 estilos e 100 mariposa.

José Ribeiro- 400 livres, 50 livres.
Nuno Silva - 200 livres, 100 bruços.
João Soldado- 200 estilos.
Ana Carvalho - 100 livres.
Carlos Jorge- 200 livres.
Teresa Neves - 100 Bruços.

Parabéns SPORTING!
parabéns Natação Adaptada!

Rui Gama

quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

Campeonato Nacional de Natação adaptada - Aveiro 1 e 2 de Junho de 2013

Fim de semana em grande!!!

24 medalhas conquistadas, das quais 15 ouro, 8 prata e 1 bronze.
6 Recordes Nacionais e 1 Recorde Europeu!!!!!

Recorde Europeu/Recorde Nacional Absoluto:

João Vaz – 200 mts mariposa – 3’18’’71

Recordes Nacionais

João Vaz – 200 Costas – 3’31’’32 – 200 Estilos – 3’18’’36 -Estafeta 4x100 Estilos – 6’15’’45
Nuno Silva – 400 Estilos – 7’07’’79 – 100 Estilos – 1’32’’75 - Estafeta 4x100 Estilos – 6’15’’45

Campeões Nacionais:

Nuno Silva – 100 Estilos – 400 Estilos
José Ribeiro – 200 Estilos
João Vaz – 200 estilos – 200 Mariposa – 200 Costas
Inês Conde – 100 Estilos – 400 livres – 200 Bruços – 200 Estilos
Ana carvalho – 100 Livres – 50 Livres – 50 Mariposa – 100 Costas
José R., Nuno S., João S., João V. 4x100 Estilos

Vice-campeões Nacionais:

Nuno Silva – 400 Livres
José Ribeiro – 50 Mariposa – 800 Livres
João Vaz – 100 Mariposa
João Soldado – 50 Mariposa – 100 Livres – 200 Livres
Carlos Jorge – 100 Estilos

Parabéns Campeões!!!!

Dia 16 há mais!!!

Rui Gama